To apply a correctly formatted email signature to your Galaxy tablet please use the signature file sent to you by IT support with the steps below.

1) Using Outlook on your tablet, open the email signature attachment sent to you by IT support.

2) Press and hold on a word in the attachment. Move the selection circles to the beginning and end of text to select all contents of the document. Tap the copy icon Image result for android copy icon.

3) Switch back to Outlook. Tap the three lines Menu icon in the top left corner, then tap the gear icon Gear icon in the bottom left corner.

4) Tap signature. Delete the existing signature. Press and hold on empty space in the signature field, then tap "Paste". Tap the check mark in the top right corner.

Note: This email signature is coded in HTML and modifying it is likely to break the formatting. If changes are required please let Tier 1 IT support know what's needed and a corrected signature will be sent to you.