You can send a contact group (formerly called a distribution list) to others by including it in a message. The recipient can then save it in their Contacts folder.

Send a contact group or distribution list in Outlook 2010

  1. Open a new message. 

  2. Select Contacts from the bottom left corner of the main Outlook window

  3. Drag the contact group from Contacts into the message body.

    Note: You may need to adjust the message and the Contacts window so that they're visible at the same time.

  4. Send the message.

Note: If you want to send a contact group to someone, and the contact group contains members from the Global Address List, be sure that the recipient of the contact group also uses that same Global Address List.

Save a contact group or distribution list

  • Drag the distribution list attachment from the message into an open Contacts view. This requires you to have both the message and the Contacts folder open at the same time.